Reliable and efficient bookkeeping tailored to your needs.

About Our Bookkeeping Services

Control and Reassurance for your Business Accounts

As a small business, it’s likely that having control of your accounts is important, so that you can manage cashflow and expenses accordingly. However, proper accounting can be challenging - keeping up with regulations, filing paperwork within of deadlines and even running regular reports can be a drain on your resources, taking up valuable time which you could be spending running and growing your business.

If you’re looking for a solution which allows you to have control of tracking day-to-day finances but ensures that your greater accounting requirements are taken care of professionally and efficiently with minimal resources required from you, then  our services are ideal.

Online Accounting Software

Having worked with many small businesses, we know that agility and adaptability is key; it’s not always practical to have someone come to your office to sift through receipts and other accounting paperwork. For this reason, we recommend using online accounting software to keep track of your finances and help keep your accounts in order day-to-day.

Online accounting software enables you to access your finances from anywhere, anytime, from any internet-connected device - computer, laptop or even your phone. As a busy business owner this means you do not have to take time out of a packed schedule to input receipt information in bulk. Instead, as soon as you have made a transaction you can upload an image and the information from the receipt straight away, even if you’re out and about. Online accounting systems can also give you real-time information from your bank accounts, and allow you to invite your colleagues, staff and professionals like us to collaborate so there’s no need to send us sensitive information via email, making accounting more secure and ultimately less hassle for you. is one of our recommended accounting platforms as it is very user-friendly and easily adaptable to businesses in a wide variety of industries, from startups to retail, hospitality, and eCommerce, to online services and agencies including web designers, software developers and creative industries such as graphic designers. In addition, as a certified partner, we can help you get set up, provide training to help you familiarise yourself and get started with the software and be on hand for support if you encounter any issues with your account.

Please get in touch to discuss how can help your business.

Our Accountancy Services

We work remotely using a wide variety of accounting software, giving you ultimate flexibility. In this regard, we’re extremely adaptable and can work with existing systems you may already have in place, or make recommendations and implement systems that will complement your business. We are always ready to help if necessary - we are not simply here to move numbers around!

Whether you are a sole trader, partnership or small Ltd company, our online bookkeeping and accountancy services can be tailored to meet your needs. These include:

  • Bookkeeping & Accounts
  • Management reports or Bespoke reports if required
  • Credit control
  • Company Formation & Business Start-ups
  • VAT filing & registration
  • Final Accounts for SME's
  • Self Assessments & Corporation Tax Returns
  • CIS monthly returns
  • Companies house annual returns
  • All Payroll services

Alternatively, if you would prefer to continue doing your own accounts, but would like the peace of mind of having professionals on hand to help with any issues of questions you might have, we are able to assist. Please contact us for details on our support packages and pricing.

Book a free no obligation

consultation today.

N Harvey Bookkeeping Services

The Ferry

Church Lane

Hockwold, Thetford

Norfolk, IP26 4NF

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